Composer for TV & Film

Transformational Speaker - Musician

Ken Alan Walker


Elevating Work, Play, and Performance to the Optimal Experience of Flow!


Speaker Reel

“People often talk about flow state. Ultra focus. It’s elusive, but man when you get in that zone…there’s no better feeling than performing at your best.” — Tom Brady



To share the keys for Unlocking Flow
”As a musician, I spent years grappling with the challenge of breaking free from my own mental barriers, reaching a state of flow, and delivering on stage the same level of performance I achieved during practice. A similar struggle even pushed me to completely abandon golf! So, a decade ago I dedicated myself to unlocking the secrets of flow. After extensive research, experimentation and some profound personal discoveries, what emerged was a straightforward, repeatable method for achieving peak performance and unleashing creative potential. I am now dedicated to sharing this understanding and strategy, as it has become my mission to guide others on this empowering journey!”

Ken Alan Walker is an inspirational speaker merging live original music with personal transformation.  As a speaker, guitarist, singer, songwriter, and recording engineer, Ken brings it all together with engaging and inspiring “Keynote Concerts.”  He has performed on hundreds of stages, from concert venues to festivals to TedX for more than 50,000 people.  He has shared the stage with acts such as The Breeders, Fuel, Kings X, Lacey Sturm (Flyleaf), Marcy Playground, Eliot Sloan (Blessed Union of Souls) and many more. Ken adeptly tailors his message for diverse settings such as retreats, seminars, workshops, corporate events, associations, and schools.  This isn’t just another motivational speech, this is compelling stories and a live musical performance that entertains, educates, and transforms!

Read Ken’s Full Speaker Bio Here


“Flow helps to integrate the self because in that state of deep concentration, consciousness is unusually well ordered. Thoughts, intentions, feelings, and all the senses are focused on the same goal. Experience is in harmony.” — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, from the book “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience”

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  • Recognize and become familiar with your experience of flow state.

  • Develop the ability to call upon and relax into flow state when you need/want it most.

  • Discover how flow state is a portal into the very nature of being and how you can integrate this understanding into daily experience.


  • Become more aware of the thought patterns, negative emotions and past conditioning that conceal the authentic self while opening the door to true self expression.

  • Develop strategies to progressively weaken the effect that fear has on your moods, creativity, productivity and overall well being.

  • Evolve your relationship with fear and integrate a new understanding into daily experience.


  • Learn how past conditioning and biases can drive actions and intentions.

  • Gain clarity about how we unconsciously sabotage ourselves and our connection with others while creating space for a deeper connection to occur.

  • Discover tangible strategies that result in higher performance, increased productivity, enhanced collaboration and better results.

View Ken’s OneSheet Here



Keynote Concert Format/  Keynote Address (45 to 60 minutes) includes live music (acoustic guitar + vocal, or electric guitar + vocal + full studio backing track, or both!)


What can you expect from Ken Alan’s Keynote Concert?

  • To be inspired! Ken’s captivating music and inspirational messaging come together for an exciting, impactful experience. Ken will discuss beforehand and tailor the presentation for your audience and integrate it seamlessly with the music.

  • A fresh perspective and strategy for moving beyond fear, finding your own rhythm and flow and realizing your highest potential.

  • Come away with tools to be more effective, productive and authentic in anything you do.

  • Have a fun, memorable and unique experience! This is far from your usual keynote presentation. Enjoy a meaningful, entertaining and energizing hour of stories and music for your event!



Ken’s keynote concerts can be delivered in person and virtually. They are perfect for seminars, conferences, workshops, college events, high school assemblies and private retreats. To book Ken for your next event or inquire about more information, fill out the form below.

You can also view Ken’s one sheet here.